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Electrotherapy Physical Therapy in West Jordan, UT

If your injuries from a car accident cause immediate pain and discomfort, or if the symptoms arrive a while later, Back2Relief Chiropractic offers various treatments to relieve your suffering in West Jordan, UT. Electrotherapy is one of the services available at our office. Our staff is skilled at performing this therapy, and we’re always compassionate toward your ailment and seek to help you find better comfort and mobility. As leading care providers for auto accidents and other injuries, we focus our efforts on reducing your pain and helping you regain function without using medication or surgery. Our goal is to get you back to your normal life by improving your overall health and function.

woman receiving electrotherapy

Electrotherapy and Its Benefits

Electrotherapy works as a non-invasive procedure that penetrates your tissue with an electrical current that stimulates your muscles and nerves. It’s proven effective in the physical therapy community at reducing swelling, muscle tightness, and pain. By reducing muscle spasms, this therapy helps to prevent exacerbation of issues in the back or neck that can result in surgery or even disability. Electrotherapy is a treatment used in physical therapy that includes benefits like:

  • Relaxes muscle spasms
  • Increases local blood circulation
  • Re-educates your electrical muscle stimulation
  • Helps you to increase and maintain your range of motion
  • Aids in managing intractable and chronic pain
  • Helps with acute pain from surgery, post-trauma, and wounds that are healing

Find Overall Healing at Back2Relief Chiropractic

At our practice, we want your overall health and wellness to improve, which is why we offer a diverse assortment of treatments for your auto accident injuries. Back2Relief Chiropractic uses electrotherapy because we know the amazing benefits, and our staff is trained to provide this therapy effectively to help heal your body and return you to your everyday life. For a free evaluation to see if electrotherapy or any of our other treatments can help you, give us a call today.

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